Monday, April 27, 2015

Lesley McCoy - Arch 6536 - Project Two

Figure 00: Finished Model
For Project 2, I continued working on the Kolumba Art Museum in Germany.  

Figure 0:   Finished Model showing the area of the building on which I worked
I focused on these 4 panels.  I used the Dynamo add in application for Revit to make a random pattern of solid bricks and glass bricks.

Figure 1:   Mass Model with 1/2 Step Divided Surface
I began by using the divide surface tool in my Revit Mass Model on each of the 4 panels that I wanted to manipulate.  I used the ½ step surface.  The 2 surfaces on the front of the building have 54 vertical divisions and 54 horizontal divisions.  The 2 surfaces on the side of the building have 54 vertical divisions and 108 horizontal divisions.

Figure 2:   Panel Family
I made an adaptive component panel family for the surface that is extruded the depth of the bricks.  As you can see here, the vertical divisions of this family have a one to one relationship with the divided surface in the main model.  For the horizontal divisions, however, each component takes up 2 spaces horizontally

Figure 3:   Loaded Panel Family into Mass Model
Next, I loaded my panel family into my mass model

Figure 4:   Front Wall Excel
I made an Excel File for the front two panels.  There are 54 rows, and 27 columns, because as I mentioned before, each component takes up 2 spaces horizontally.  Each cell contains a zero or a one.  I used the randbetween function in excel to provide a random pattern of ones and zeros.
When I finished my excel file, I saved it as a CSV file.

Figure 5:   Materials in Revit
The two materials I used for the bricks are called Glass and Kolumba Stone.

Figure 6:   Dynamo with materials and CSV
In Dynamo, I sent Kolumba Stone to the index 0 and Glass to the index 1.
I also loaded in the CSV file for the front of the building.

Figure 7:   Dynamo with entire front panel code
Here you can see the code for the front two panels.  This image shows the top divided surface selected

Figure 8:   Dynamo with entire front panel code with bottom panel
This image shows the bottom divided surface selected

Figure 9:   Side Wall Excel
I made another Excel File for the side two panels.  There are 54 rows, and 54 columns, because as I mentioned before, each component takes up 2 spaces horizontally.  When I finished this excel file, I saved it as another CSV file.

Figure 10:   Dynamo with materials and CSV
In Dynamo, I basically used the same code for the side panels as the front panels.  However, the CSV file is different.

Figure 11:   Dynamo with entire side panel code
The code block is also different.

Figure 12:   Dynamo with entire side panel code with bottom panel
Again, first the top panel was connected from the elements to the list, and then the bottom divided surface selected.

Figure 13:   All of the Dynamo Code
Here, we can see all of the Dynamo Code.  The code for the front 2 panels is on the left and the code for the side 2 panels is on the right.

Figure 14:   All of the Panels in the Mass Model
This shows all of the panels in the Mass Model with the random brick and glass pattern

Figure 15:   Final Project
Here we see all of the panels with the random pattern loaded into the project file.

Project Video: